The present study aimed to characterize and analyze university teaching training programs in Chile, as well as to evaluate their impact on participating teachers and their respective students. To achieve this, interviews were conducted with the coordinators of these programs, and an impact evaluation model was developed and implemented for a specific case. This model was based on available international references but aimed to overcome their main limitations.

In general terms, it is concluded that in Chile, university teaching training programs are similar to each other and do not directly adhere to a clearly defined theoretical model specific to the field of Higher Education. On the other hand, when analyzing the effect of training on teachers and students for a specific program, positive impacts were observed only after one year of training. In these cases, teachers demonstrated a teaching approach more focused on their students’ learning compared to their peers who had not participated in such training. Additionally, their respective students showed a higher usage of deep learning strategies rather than surface learning strategies.

The study concludes by proposing a university teaching training program based on a theoretical model specific to the field of Higher Education. Furthermore, this proposal considers the main findings of the research to enhance its impact on improving teaching and learning processes.