Kristína Kallová was born in the city of Poprad in Slovakia. She gained her Bachelor’s degree from astrophysics at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. She is interested mainly in the most energetic processes in the Universe, such as accretion onto supermassive black holes in the centers of active galaxies. During her Master’s project she found passion in studying heavily obscured active galactic nuclei, where she was deriving complex geometrical and physical characteristics of the deeply buried accreting systems. She is also interested in starburst galaxies such as Green Peas and the possible contribution of star forming galaxies to the reionization of the young Universe, which was the main object of the research in her Bachelor’s thesis. Outside of the academic soil she is a passionate skier who loves to go skitouring in winter and climbing in summer. She started her Ph.D. at UDP in March 2023.

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