Dejene Zewdie was born in the town of Shewa Robit, Ethiopia. He graduated from Debre Berhan University with a bachelor’s degree in applied physics in 2016 and from Addis Ababa University’s Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute (ESSTI), Entoto Observatory and Research Center (EORC), Ethiopia with a master’s degree in astronomy and astrophysics in 2018. His master’s thesis focuses on characterizing the physical properties of assembled galaxies from the inside out, in better understanding the nature of inside–out growth and its connection to evolution and morphological transformation. He joined the PhD programme at UDP in 2019 and his research project is to investigate the environment of Hot Dust Obscured Galaxies (Hot DOGs). He aims to identify as many Lyman Break Galaxies companions as possible, as well as to understand more about the density and evolution of the Hot DOGs environment.

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